Private Edition 2022

Why spend hours on the phone or web searching for the best travel options, or running from one travel agency to the next in search of an excellent deal, when we can simplify it for you? Whether you need a local flight or want to jet-set to some exotic international destination, leave it to our experienced travel consultants to do the running around for you! You can book flights directly on our website! Scan the QR code to start your booking. Please note that you have to be logged into your Holiday Club profile to use this self-help service. DID YOU KNOW ? Call our travel teamnow for cost-effective and hassle-free flight bookings on 0861 842 737 (option 2) or email TRAVEL | MEMBER BENEFITS FL IGHTS Our system allows our travel consultants to find the best flights to suit your holiday needs as well as your pocket. SEARCH We offer searches across selected airlines and flight options. COMPARE Rate comparisons allow you to make the best choice to suit your pocket. CHOOSE We can check seat availability on selected airlines. | Flights 76