The Beekman Group’s annual SPCA drive raised just over a whopping 1.6 tonnes of food, blankets and kitty litter for animals in need during the month of June. That’s equivalent to the weight of your average adult male hippopotamus!
Driven by the eager superstars in the training department, we ran a week-long drive among all the departments within our head office and several of our local resorts. Departments at head office raised money through various industrious means, from raffling off car-washes, pamper-hampers and tickets to uShaka Marine World, to selling fudge, and fresh popcorn (yes, from a real popcorn machine), all competing against each other for charitable bragging rights.

“The enthusiasm from our staff is something we expect every year. But what they all managed to achieve and how resourceful they were to reach the highest collection total in 5 years was beyond what anyone could have predicted! It was incredible to see how serious people got about outdoing each other for a good cause!” – Hannelie Millar, Beekman Group Training & Development Manager
The bulk of our mammoth effort was driven by the 230+ men and women in their South Coast head office, and the Sea ‘n Sky resort in Uvongo Beach. The food, blankets and kitty litters raised there took 3 bakkies and one, gutsy little Toyota Aygo to deliver to the Lower South Coast SPCA in Margate.
In addition to the inspiring work done in the food and blanket drive, a further R5,000.00 cash was donated for miscellaneous items required to keep the pups and kitties of the South Coast healthy and warm.
Congratulations to Res Admin for winning the Team Contribution Award after raising a whopping 375kgs of donations, and Placid Waters for raising the most of the resorts involved!